OBGYN Board Review Questions and Practice Tests
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“I am very happy with BoardVitals! It really helped me a lot in preparing for my written OBGYN boards. Thank you for coming up with such challenging questions in a review format that is easy and convenient to use. ”
Dr. BuenafeMD
Key OBGYN Board Review Features

OBGYN Board Review Topics Covered:
- Primary Care-Osteoporosis
- GYN-Premalignant Conditions
- OB-Abnormal Fetal Growth
- GYN-Trophoblastic Disease
- OB-Hematologic, Neoplastic, Derm and Endocrine
- Primary Care - Lifestyle Modification
- Primary Care-Benign Breast
- Primary Care-Preventive Care
- GYN-Abnormal Cytology
- Other-Basic Science
- OB-Preconception
- Primary Care-Menopause and Perimenopause
- GYN-Endometriosis
- OB-Induction of Labor
- Primary Care-PCOS
- GYN-Uterine Myomas and Tumors
- GYN-Benign Conditions
- OB-Antepartum Care
- OB-Surgical Conditions in Pregnancy
- GYN-Chronic Pelvic Pain
- GYN-Urinary and Fecal Incontinence
- Primary Care-Lesbian Health Issues
- Other-Epidemiology
- GYN-Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
- GYN-Pelvic Relaxation and Defects
- GYN-Emergency Care
- OB-Intrapartum Care
- OB-Infections
- OB-Fetal Assessment
- OB-Postpartum Care
- OB-Prenatal Diagnosis and Care
- OB-Multifetal Gestation
- GYN-Diagnostic Procedures
- Primary Care-Sexuality
- Primary Care-Pediatric and Adolescent
- OB-Psychiatric Disorders
- OB-Dystocia and Fetal Lie
- GYN-Postoperative Care
- OB-Ultrasound and Imaging
- GYN-Hysteroscopy
- GYN-Major Surgeries
- GYN-Minor Surgeries
- OB-Diabetes
- OB-Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Disorders
- OB-Preterm Labor
- Primary Care-Urinary Tract Infections
- GYN-Invasive Neoplasias
- OB-Hypertensive Disorders
- GYN-Ultrasound
- Primary Care-Amenorrhea
- GYN-Congenital Abnormalities
- OB-Hemorrhage
- OB-Pregnancy Loss
- Primary Care-Endocrinology
- GYN-Preoperative Care
- OB-Operative OB, Forceps
- Primary Care-Domestic Violence
- GYN-Acute Pelvic Pain
- Other-Genetics
- OB-Emergency OB
- OB-Postterm Pregnancy
- Primary Care-Fertility
- OB-Care of Neonate
- Primary Care-Family Planning
- GYN-Laparoscopy
- Primary Care-Vulvar Disorders
- GYN-Sexually Transmitted Infections
- GYN-Coexisting Medical and Psychiatric Conditions
- GYN-Ovarian Neoplasms
- Other-Ethics
- GYN-Ectopic Pregnancy
Lead Editor, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Kaci Durbin, MD FACOG
Kaci Durbin, MD FACOG is a board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist who currently works as an ob-gyn hospitalist director at St. Anthony's Medical Center in St. Louis, Missouri. Prior to her position as a hospitalist, Dr. Durbin worked in private practice for four years. She graduated medical school with AOA designation in 2008 from the University of Illinois. She graduated residency from the University of Louisville in 2012.
Information about the ABOG Qualifying Examination for Basic Certification
It's helpful to know what to expect when preparing for an important event. Going for your certification as an Obstetrician / Gynecologist is one such occasion. You will be required to pass both Written and Oral examinations.
What is covered on the Qualifying Exam for Basic Certification in OBGYN?
According to the Bulletin for the Qualifying Examination for Basic Certification in Obstetrics and Gynecology, the following topics are covered on the exam:
- Obstetrics 30%
- Gynecology 30%
- Office Practice and Women’s Health 30%
- Cross Content areas 10%
Shown below are the approximate percentage of questions in subcategories:
- Preconception/Antenatal Care 3%
- Evaluation/Diagnosis of Antenatal Conditions 7%
- Intrapartum Care, Complications, and Obstetrical Procedures 18%
- Postpartum Care 2%
- Diagnostic and Preoperative Evaluation 3%
- Perioperative Care 2%
- Postoperative Care 3%
- Surgical Complications 6%
- Evaluation/Diagnosis/Management of Gynecologic Conditions 7%
- Surgical Procedures 5%
- Neoplasia 4%
Office Practice / Women’s Health
- Well-Woman Preventive Care 7%
- Office Management – Medical Problems 4%
- Office Management – Gynecology 15%
- Office Procedures 4%
Cross Content
- Communication 2.5%
- Ethics and Professionalism 2.5%
- Basic Science 5%
Tips for the OBGYN Boards:
The Basic Qualifying (Written) Examination
The Written Examination will be composed of objective, single-best answer, multiple-choice questions. It will be possible for all answers to be correct, but you only want to choose the one that is MOST accurate. The questions are designed to be thought provoking and/or problem solving.
Basic Certifying (Oral) Examination
The oral examination will take about one-half day to complete. During this process, your mode and rationale for the clinical care of various patient management problems will be evaluated. The examiners will use the candidate's case list and other hypothetical cases during the exam. Some visual aids may be used as well. The knowledge required for passing the Oral Examination is similar to what was incorporated in the Written Exam. You must be able to demonstrate to the Board that you have acquired the capability to independently perform major gynecologic operations, spontaneous and operative obstetric deliveries, manage any complications and perform essential diagnostic procedures that are required of consultants in the fields of gynecology, obstetrics and women's health. Once your exam is complete, your examining team will turn a report in to the Board of Directors and they will vote as to whether you have passed or failed.
Good luck on the exam!
Learn more about the OBGYN Board Exam on the blog
Searching for more information as you study for the OBGYN Board Exam? Check out the content in the OBGYN section of our blog. You’ll find practice questions and other OBGYN Board Exam resources to help you pass your upcoming test.
Best Resources for Passing the OBGYN Board Exam
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A Look at the OBGYN Qualifying Exam Blueprint
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BoardVitals is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. BoardVitals designates this Internet Enduring Material for a maximum of 45 AMA PRA Category 1™ Credit(s). Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Further OBGYN CME info found here.