CREOG Review Questions
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“BoardVitals was very helpful in preparing me for my exam. Topics were relevant and question style was similar to test day. ”
Jessica M.
Key CREOG Board Review Features

CREOG Board Review Topics Covered:
- Primary Care-Osteoporosis
- GYN-Premalignant Conditions
- OB-Abnormal Fetal Growth
- GYN-Trophoblastic Disease
- OB-Hematologic, Neoplastic, Derm and Endocrine
- Primary Care-Benign Breast
- GYN-Abnormal Cytology
- Other-Basic Science
- OB-Preconception
- Primary Care-Menopause and Perimenopause
- GYN-Endometriosis
- OB-Induction of Labor
- Primary Care-PCOS
- GYN-Uterine Myomas and Tumors
- GYN-Benign Conditions
- OB-Antepartum Care
- OB-Surgical Conditions in Pregnancy
- GYN-Chronic Pelvic Pain
- GYN-Urinary and Fecal Incontinence
- Primary Care-Lesbian Health Issues
- Other-Epidemiology
- GYN-Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
- GYN-Pelvic Relaxation and Defects
- GYN-Emergency Care
- OB-Intrapartum Care
- OB-Infections
- OB-Fetal Assessment
- OB-Postpartum Care
- OB-Prenatal Diagnosis and Care
- OB-Multifetal Gestation
- Primary Care-Preventive care
- GYN-Diagnostic Procedures
- Primary Care-Sexuality
- Primary Care-Pediatric and Adolescent
- OB-Psychiatric Disorders
- OB-Dystocia and Fetal Lie
- GYN-Postoperative Care
- OB-Ultrasound and Imaging
- GYN-Hysteroscopy
- GYN-Major Surgeries
- GYN-Minor Surgeries
- OB-Diabetes
- OB-Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Disorders
- OB-Preterm Labor
- Primary Care-Urinary Tract Infections
- GYN-Invasive Neoplasias
- OB-Hypertensive Disorders
- GYN-Ultrasound
- Primary Care-Amenorrhea
- GYN-Congenital Abnormalities
- OB-Hemorrhage
- OB-Pregnancy Loss
- Primary Care-Endocrinology
- GYN-Preoperative Care
- OB-Operative OB, Forceps
- Primary Care-Domestic Violence
- GYN-Acute Pelvic Pain
- Other-Genetics
- OB-Emergency OB
- OB-Postterm Pregnancy
- Primary Care-Fertility
- OB-Care of Neonate
- Primary Care-Family Planning
- GYN-Laparoscopy
- Primary Care-Vulvar Disorders
- GYN-Coexisting Medical and Psychiatric Conditions
- GYN-Ovarian Neoplasms
- Other-Ethics
- GYN-Ectopic Pregnancy
Lead CREOG Editor, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Kaci Durbin, MD FACOG
Kaci Durbin, MD FACOG is a board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist who currently works as an ob-gyn hospitalist director at St. Anthony's Medical Center in St. Louis, Missouri. Prior to her position as a hospitalist, Dr. Durbin worked in private practice for four years. She graduated medical school with AOA designation in 2008 from the University of Illinois. She graduated residency from the University of Louisville in 2012.
What to expect on the CREOG Exam?
The CREOG Exam is particularly challenging and many students comment that the question stems are longer and that the questions themselves are harder than the board exam. Here are the CREOG educational objectives and topics that are covered on the exam:
General Considerations
- Patient Care
- General Medical Knowledge
- Communication Skills
- Professionalism
- Practice Based Learning
- Systems Based Practice
Primary and Preventive Ambulatory Health Care
- Periodic Health Assessments
- Focused Areas in Gynecologic Care
- Management of Nongynecologic Conditions
- Procedures
- Basic Science/Mechanisms of Disease
- Antepartum Care
- Medical Complications
- Obstetric Complications
- Intrapartum Care
- Postpartum Care
- Procedures
- Basic Science/Mechanisms of Disease
- Disorders of the Urogenital Tract and Breast
- First-Trimester Pregnancy Failure
- Preoperative Care, Intraoperative Care, and Postoperative Care 67 Critical Care
- Surgical Care of the Geriatric Patient
- Procedures
Reproductive Endocrinology
- Basic Science/Mechanisms of Disease
- Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology
- Menstrual and Endocrine Disorders
- Infertility
- Management of the Climacteric
- Basic Science/Mechanisms of Disease Carcinoma of the Breast
- Vulvar and Vaginal Malignancies Cervical Disorders
- Carcinoma of the Uterus
- Ovarian and Tubal Carcinoma Gestational Trophoblastic Disease Therapy
- Procedures
- Core Competencies
- Primary and Preventive Ambulatory Health Care
- Obstetrics
- Gynecology
- Reproductive Endocrinology
- Oncology
Note that BoardVitals attempts to cover topics in similar ratios to the topics presented on the exam. We do not use remembrances, but only hire writers who have taken the CREOG examination.