Anatomic and Clinical Pathology Board Review Questions and Practice Tests
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“Board Vitals (BV) was essential for my board preparation. I am not a great test taker, and in order for me to have passed my AP/CP boards, I needed to do a LOT of questions, which is hard to come by (especially for CP). Not only was there a plethora of questions, they were all generally well-written and in the style of the actual boards. The material covered in BV was broad yet helpful in how I should focus my studies. Furthermore, the questions were confidence-boosting in that I actually knew more than what I thought; it was nice to know that I was comparable to my peers—and you will likely feel the same way. Lastly, I got quick and thorough feedback regarding any questions or issues I had about any questions I came across. In summary, BV is a gem that I am thankful for discovering. ”
Aaron D. ShmooklerMD
Key Pathology Board Review Features

Pathology Board Review Topics Covered:
- Clinical Pathology - Microbiology
- Clinical Pathology - Lab Management
- Clinical Pathology - Hematology
- Clinical Pathology - Chemical Pathology
- Clinical Pathology - Blood Banking
- Clinical Pathology - Molecular Pathology
- Anatomic Pathology - General Pathology
- Anatomic Pathology - Breast
- Anatomic Pathology - Lab Management
- Anatomic Pathology - Alimentary Tract
- Anatomic Pathology - Respiratory Tract
- Anatomic Pathology - Female Genital and Placenta
- Anatomic Pathology - Skin
- Anatomic Pathology - ENT
- Anatomic Pathology - Forensics / Autopsy
- Anatomic Pathology - Genitourinary Tract
- Anatomic Pathology - Pediatric
- Anatomic Pathology - Neuropathology
- Anatomic Pathology - Bone and Soft Tissue
- Anatomic Pathology - Heme and Lymph Nodes
- Anatomic Pathology - Cardiovascular
- Anatomic Pathology - Eye
- Anatomic Pathology - Cytopathology
Information about the American Board of Pathology (ABP) Anatomic Pathology Exam
The complete AP examination is fairly lengthy, taking nearly 8 hours. 94% of the total examination is devoted to questions about specific organ systems or multi-system disease. 6% of the exam is dedicated to general pathology and lab management. For a more detailed breakdown, please see Anatomic Pathology Exam Blueprint.
The Anatomic Pathology Exam is a one-day exam consisting of written and practical sections. All questions are multiple-choice and are in single best answer format.
The Written section consists of 115 questions and candidates have 1.75 hours to complete it.
The practical section is composed of a microscopic portion (traditional and virtual) and an image section.
- Microscopic and Virtual Microscopy Examination: 55 Microscopic questions and 30 Virtual Microscopy questions; Candidates are allotted 3.75 hours to complete this portion.
- Practical with Images Examination: 125 questions; Candidates are allotted 2.25 hours to complete this portion.
Information about the American Board of Pathology (ABP) Clinical Pathology Exam
The Clinical Pathology Exam is comprised of a written portion as well as a practical portion. The complete CP examination is 7.25 hours and all questions are multiple-choice in single best answer format.
Naturally, the written portion of the Clinical Pathology exam is very image heavy. The written portion is 121 questions and is administered over a 2 hour period.
The practical portion of the exam includes graphs, charts, karyotypes, pedigrees, red cell panels, problem solving exercises, and calculations. The practical portion of the exam is 120 questions and is administered over a 3.25 hour period. The practical portion with images is 124 questions administered over a 2 hour period.
All of these question types are covered in the BoardVitals question banks.
What is covered on the Clinical Pathology Exam?
- Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine 23%
- Chemical Pathology 20%
- Hematology 25%
- Medical Microbiology 23%
- Management and Informatics 9%
For a more detailed breakdown, please see Clinical Pathology Exam Blueprint.
Learn more about the Pathology Board Exam on the blog
In need of additional information as you prepare for your Pathology board exam? Take a look at the Pathology articles on our blog. Not only are there Pathology board exam tips and practice questions, you can read interviews from practicing pathologists, like Dr. Charu Subramony.
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BoardVitals is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. BoardVitals designates this Internet Enduring Material for a maximum of 60 AMA PRA Category 1™ Credit(s). Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Further Pathology CME info found here.
This module is eligible for up to 60 American Board of Pathology SAM credit. One CME credit is equivalent to one SAM credit.