OBGYN Shelf Board Review Questions
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“This Q-bank is awesome. When I used this bank for the first time, I said to myself 'oh wow' because I was missing little bits and pieces which I filled in with BoardVitals. These questions are hard but very similar to questions on NBME exams. I would strongly recommend BoardVitals for everyone who is studying for Step 1, 2, 3 and shelf exams. I used this bank for Step 1, and right now I'm using it for Step 2 and for my upcoming Internal Medicine shelf exam.”
Nadia BadarMedical Student
Key OBGYN Shelf Exam Board Review Features

OBGYN Shelf Exam Board Review Topics Covered:
- GYN-Major Surgeries
- Primary Care-Menopause and Perimenopause
- GYN-Ectopic Pregnancy
- GYN-Ovarian Neoplasms
- GYN-Urinary and Fecal Incontinence
- Other-Genetics
- GYN-Trophoblastic Disease
- OB-Prenatal Diagnosis and Care
- OB-Infections
- OB-Intrapartum Care
- OB-Hypertensive Disorders
- OB-Diabetes
- OB-Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Disorders
- OB-Preconception
- OB-Multifetal Gestation
- OB-Induction of Labor
- GYN-Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
- GYN-Benign Conditions
- GYN-Emergency Care
- OB-Postpartum Care
- OB-Antepartum Care
- Primary Care-Amenorrhea
- GYN-Abnormal Cytology
- OB-Pregnancy Loss
- Ethics
- Basic Science
- Benign Breast
- Co-Existing Psychiatric Conditions
- Congenital Abnormalities
- Endocrinology
- Endometriosis
- Family Planning
- Fertility
- Fetal Assessment
- GYN- Pelvic Pain
- GYN-Sexually Transmitted Infections
- Invasive Neoplasias
- Minor Surgeries/Hysteroscopy
- OB- Preterm Labor
- Osteoporosis
- Postoperative Care
- Ultrasound and Imaging
- Vulvar Disorders
- Primary Care-Preventive Care
- Primary Care - Lifestyle Modification
About the NBME Obstetrics & Gynecology Shelf Exam (Subject Exam)
As outlined by the NBME, the Subject Exams are designed to provide institutions with effective evaluation tools and useful examinee performance data that can be compared with a large representative group of examinees at the same stage of training.
What content is covered on the OBGYN Shelf Exam?
According to the NBME Clinical Science: OBGYN content outline, the following topics are covered on the exam:
- General Principles, Including Normal Age-Related Findings and Care of the Well Patient 1%–5%
- Pregnancy, Childbirth, & the Puerperium 40%–45%
- Preconception counseling and care
- Prenatal risk assessment/prevent
- Supervision of normal pregnancy
- Obstetric complications
- Labor and delivery
- Puerperium, including complications
- Newborn (birth to 4 weeks of age)
- Congenital disorders, neonatal
- Adverse effects of drugs on pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium
- Systemic disorders affecting pregnancy, labor and delivery, and the puerperium
- Female Reproductive System & Breast 40%–45%
- Normal processes, female function (eg, ovulation, menstrual cycle, puberty)
- Breast: infectious, immunologic, and inflammatory disorders
- Neoplasms of breast
- Female reproductive: infectious, Immunologic, and inflammatory disorders
- Neoplasms of cervix, ovary, uterus, vagina, and vulva
- Fertility and infertility
- Menopause
- Menstrual and endocrine disorders
- Sexual dysfunction
- Traumatic and mechanical disorders
- Congenital disorders
- Adverse effects of drugs on the female reproductive system and breast *Endocrine System 1%–5%
- Other Systems, including Multisystem Processes & Disorders 5%–10%
- Social Sciences 1%–5%
- Communication and interpersonal skills
- Medical ethics and jurisprudence
Physician Task
- Applying Foundational Science Concepts 8%–12%
- Diagnosis: Knowledge Pertaining to History, Exam, Diagnostic Studies, & Patient Outcomes 45%–50%
- Health Maintenance, Pharmacotherapy, Intervention & Management 13%–17%
- Pharmacotherapy, Intervention & Management 20%–25%
Site of Care
- Ambulatory 70%–75%
- Emergency Department 5%–10%
- Inpatient 15%–20%
What question formats are on the OBGYN Shelf Exam?
As outlined in the NBME Guide to the Subject Examination Program, the following question formats will be on the exam:
Application of Knowledge
This exam will have an increased emphasis on the application of knowledge instead of the recall of isolated facts.
Questions are framed in the context of clinical vignettes.
Single-best-answer (A-type)
This is the most widely used MCQ format. Each question is comprised of a focused item stem (e.g., a clinical vignette) and a lead-in question, followed by a series of options with one correct answer for each item.
Extended Matching (R-type)
These questions are organized into sets that use one list of options for all items in the set. Examinees must select one best answer.
OBGYN Shelf Exam Prep and Readiness
During the later years of Medical School, clinical clerkship exams are given to ascertain readiness in certain areas such as Obstetrics and Gynecology. OBGYN is a module that is required by many programs that participate in NBME testing.
We suggest using BoardVitals OBGYN Board Review Questions in conjunction with Blueprints and Case Files.
View all of our NBME Shelf Exam Prep Offerings here.
Learn more about the OBGYN Shelf Exam Board Exam on the blog
Are you searching for additional information as you prep for the OBGYN Shelf Exam? Check out the content available in the Shelf Exams section of our blog. You’ll find tips and tricks to help you pass your upcoming OBGYN Shelf Exam.
10 High Yield Content Areas for the OBGYN Shelf Exam
Be prepared for the OBGYN Shelf exam with these 10 high yield content areas from BoardVitals.
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