Neurology MOC Practice Questions
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“The BoardVitals neurology question bank questions challenge your clinical knowledge while providing detailed and clear explanations that add to your understanding of the pathophysiology of the neurosciences. This is a great way to beef up your knowledge for the boards and RITE exams! ”
Dr. L SchneiderNeurology Resident at The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Key Neurology MOC Board Review Features

Neurology MOC Board Review Topics Covered:
- Pharmacology
- Oncology
- Sleep
- Behavioral, Cognitive, Psych
- Headache
- Pain
- Epilepsy, Seizures
- Genetic
- Congenital
- Cerebrovascular
- Neuromuscular
- Cranial Nerves
- Movement Disorders
- Demyelinating Disorders
- Neuroinfectious Disease
- Critical Care
- Trauma
- Neuro - Ophthalmology
- Neuro - Otology
- Neurotoxicology, Nutrition, Metabolic
- Pregnancy
- Child Neurology
- Neurologic Complications of Systemic Disease
- Imaging/Diagnostic Studies
ABPN Neurology MOC Exam Info
Pass Rate
The ABPN Recertification (MOC) exams have a published pass rate of ~95%. The pass rate is based on multiple takes, however, and it’s actually not uncommon to have to sit twice for the exam.
How long is the Neurology MOC Exam?
The exam is comprised of 220 multiple choice questions (MCQ) in single best answer format. The exam will take approximately 5 hours and is divided into four sessions. Each session contains 50-60 questions.
See the Instructions for the Neurology Maintenance of Certification Examination for the examination delivery structure.
It is recommended candidates familiarize themselves with the examination functions by reviewing Sample Screens provided by the ABPN.
The Neurology MOC Exam Content:
As outlined in the ABPN MOC Examination in Neurology Content Specifications, the exam covers the following topics:
Dimension 1: Neurologic Disorders and Topics
- Headache and pain disorders 8-12%
- Epilepsy and episodic disorders 8-12%
- Sleep disorders 3-5%
- Genetic and developmental disorders 6-8%
- Vascular neurology 8-12%
- Neuromuscular diseases 8-12%
- Movement disorders 8-12%
- Neuroimmunologic and paraneoplastic disorders of the CNS 8-12%
- Neuroinfectious diseases 2-4%
- Brain and spinal trauma 2-4%
- Neuro-ophthalmologic and neuro-otologic disorders 2-4%
- Metabolic diseases, nutritional deficiency states, and disorders due to toxins, drugs, and physical agents 3-5%
- Neuro-oncologic disorders 3-5%
- Behavioral neurology and neurocognitive disorders 7-9%
- Psychiatric disorders 1-2%
- Autonomic nervous system disorders 1-3%
- Normal structure, process, and development through the life cycle 1-2%
Dimension 2: Physician Competencies and Mechanisms
- Neuroscience and mechanism of disease 4-6%
- Clinical aspects of neurologic disease 22-28%
- Diagnostic procedures 27-33%
- Treatment 27-33%
- Interpersonal and communication skills 2-3%
- Professionalism 2-3%
- Practice-based learning and improvement 2-3%
- Systems-based practice 2-3%
The BoardVitals Neurology MOC Question Bank offers a Neurology search feature that allows users to search for specific content areas in preparation for the MOC Neurology exam.
All of the questions, answers, and explanations in our Neurology question bank are reviewed and actively rated by users.
The BoardVitals question bank also targets the AOBNP OCC continuous certification exam. Additional resources may be available via the AAN.
Learn more about the Neurology MOC Board Exam on the blog
Are you searching for additional information on how you can prepare for your Neurology Recertification exam? Check out the articles in the Neurology section of our blog. There are sample questions and advice to help you study for the Neurology Recertification exam.
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The American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology has reviewed the BoardVitals Neurology activity and has approved the program as a part of a comprehensive Self-Assessment program, which is mandated by the ABMS as a necessary component of maintenance of certification. This module is eligible for 100 American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN) SA credits. One CME credit is equivalent to one ABPN SA credit.
BoardVitals is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. BoardVitals designates this Internet Enduring Material for a maximum of 100 AMA PRA Category 1™ Credit(s). Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Further Neurology CME info found here.