ENT MOC Recertification Question Bank and Test Prep
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“BoardVitals is the ideal complementary review source for any resident seeking to maximize their board exam review. The otolaryngology questions challenge you to apply your knowledge of frequently-tested ENT principles in a variety of fields, ranging from otology and facial plastic and reconstructive surgery to pediatric otolaryngology and head and neck oncology. Each question is written in a board-style format, and each answer offers a detailed review of key concepts. Otolaryngology residents, myself included, have been waiting for this type of review material to be available for us, and it's finally here. I highly recommend it! ”
Danny SoaresOtolaryngology/Plastics Fellow at Emory University
Key Otolaryngology MOC Board Review Features

Otolaryngology MOC Board Review Topics Covered:
- Pediatrics
- Pharmacology
- Allergy
- Head and Neck
- Laryngology
- Otology
- Plastic and Reconstructive
- Rhinology
- Sleep
- Endocrine
- Clinical Fundamentals
ENT Exam Info
The ABOto Recertification exam is required every 10 years and is commonly known as MOC Part III – Assessment of Knowledge, Judgement, and Skills. Note that the exam is both proctored and closed book. Depending on the area or subspecialty that you practice in, you may be able to opt out of certain question sets.
What topics are covered on the ENT MOC Part III Exam?
According to the ABOto blueprint for the ENT MOC Part III Exam, the exam consists of two components: Clinical Fundamentals and Non-Fundamentals. The questions are drawn from the pool of questions used in the Written Exam and contain only clinically relevant questions.
Clinical Fundamentals
Three questions on topics all otolaryngologists should know regardless of specialty focus.
Seventy-seven questions on topics specific to otolaryngology specialty areas divided into three broad areas:
- Data gathering/Interpretation 30%
- Differential diagnosis/Diagnosis 20%
- Management 35%
- Non-surgical
- Surigcal principals
- Surgical
Review the ABOto MOC Part III Exam Blueprint & Guidelines for more information.
The entire exam is made up of 80 questions, however, some exams may contain extra questions that will not count towards the final score.
The BoardVitals question bank also targets the AOBOO-HNS OCC continuous certification exam.
Stated Learning Objectives for the Otolaryngology CME Activity
Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Provide current guideline-based approaches to the topics presented
- Improve your ability to diagnose and manage patients in these areas
- Incorporate evidence-based changes into your practice
Contributing Medical Faculty
- Tim Fife, MD
- Parker Velargo, MD
- Karen Cooper, MD
How do I earn Otolaryngology CME Credits?
- Check your Otolaryngology state requirements for CME where you practice.
- Purchase the Otolaryngology Question Bank with optional CME Certificate Add-on.
- Answer questions with at least 70% accuracy (you may correct answers as you go).
- Redeem and submit the form and evaluation.
- Print your PDF certificate of completion.
*Please Note: Non-MOC hours (CME only) are self-reported. Please follow the instructions given by your board to report your CME hours.
For full steps, view our Support Page on Redeeming CME Hours.
Learn more about the Otolaryngology MOC Board Exam on the blog
Trying to find additional content to prepare for the Otolaryngology Recertification exam? Visit the ENT section on our blog for articles and advice from licensed specialists. You will also find sample questions to help you study for the Otolaryngology Recertification exam.
FAQs about the ENT Recertification Exam
Frequently asked questions that will help you prepare for the ENT MOC Recertification exam.
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BoardVitals is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. BoardVitals designates this Internet Enduring Material for a maximum of 54 AMA PRA Category 1™ Credit(s). Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Further Otolaryngology CME info found here.
Successful completion of this CME activity, which includes participation in the evaluation component, enables the participant to earn up to of their required annual part II self-assessment credit in the American Board of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery’s Continuing Certification program (formerly known as MOC). It is the CME activity provider's responsibility to submit participant completion information to ACCME for the purpose of recognizing participation.