ABPM Podiatry Board Review Question Bank
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“Overall, the questions in the ABPM question bank are very comprehensive. They cover the majority of the topics that may be tested on in the ABPM examination. The explanations that are given after the question are great as well, so you not only learn the right answer but also why the other answers are incorrect. A must have for anyone taking the ABPM examination! ”
Key ABPM Exam Board Review Features

About the ABPM Podiatry Board Certification Exam
The Certification Exam is available for applicants who have concluded their residency training. Applicants must pass a two-part Certification Exam in order to achieve ABPM Board Certification
What subjects are on the Podiatry Board Certification Exam?
As outlined by the ABPM, the following subject areas will be tested:
- Podiatric Medicine
- Medical Imaging
- Pathology
- Public Health
- Internal Medicine & Medical Subspecialties
- Would Care
- Emergency Medicine
- Anesthesiology
- Podiatric Surgery
- General Surgery and Subspecialties
How long is the Podiatry Board Qualification Exam?
The ABM Certification Exam is a two-part exam. The didactic section consists of 125 multiple choice questions. The case section consists of 9 clinical case scenarios.
About the In-Training Exam 3 & 4
In-Training Exams (ITEs) are a common feature of allopathic and osteopathic medical training; these exams are often administered by the certifying boards for their respective specialties. All residents are required to take at least one year of their In Training Exams offered by a CPME-recognized certifying board
What subjects are on the In-Training Exams?
Questions on the In-Training Exams are written in a similar format of ABPM’s Board Certification exam, allowing ITE Candidates to better prepare themselves for eventual board certification with ABPM
How long are ITEs 3 and 4?
In-Training Exam 3 and 4 are two sections, 165 minutes each. The exam consists of 100 multiple questions and two case scenarios. Case review questions and multiple-choice questions are written at the level of Board Certification Examinations, allowing ITE candidates to better prepare themselves for eventual board certification with ABPM.
ABPM Podiatry Board Qualification Exam Tips & Tricks
For practice questions, we first suggest going through the practice questions published on the ABPM app. You'll find a small sample of questions that are excellent preparation for the format of the exam. While it offers only a limited number of sample questions compared to the 200 questions on the actual exam, these questions are good exposure to how the board questions are written. The BoardVitals podiatry questions are offered in a similar format and do not include any formats you will not see on the actual ABPM exam.