NAPLEX Question Bank and Practice Test

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  • Customize practice tests by subject
  • Track your progress with advanced analytics and reports
  • Timed option to simulate real test conditions
  • Compare your progress against the national average

“I highly recommend they offer an online databank with 1000 questions. Unlike other test prep sites, you can buy only the time you need, by the month, instead of having to buy a whole program. And, with their Pass Guarantee, you don't have anything to lose.”

David Allen
Pharmacy Student

gold key Key NAPLEX Board Review Features


NAPLEX Board Review Topics Covered:

  • Musculoskeletal
  • Infectious Disease
  • Nutrition
  • Oncology
  • Pain
  • Pregnancy
  • Cardiovascular
  • Dermatology
  • Pediatric
  • Toxicology
  • Allergy and Immunology
  • Hematology
  • Psychiatry
  • Endocrinology
  • Pulmonary
  • Over the Counter
  • Travel Medicine
  • Renal Disorders
  • Nervous System
  • Biostatistics
  • Immunizations
  • Genitourinary / Female Genitourinary
  • Gastrointestinal and Digestive
  • Pharmacokinetics and Dynamics
  • Drugs of Abuse
  • Compounding and Calculations
  • FDA, Theory, and Other
  • Otics and Ophthalmics
  • Safe and Effective Pharmacotherapy and Health Outcomes

About the NAPLEX

The NAPLEX tests the candidate's knowledge, judgment, and skills they are expected to know as an entry-level pharmacist.

What topics are covered on the NAPLEX?

According to the NABP NAPLEX Bulletin, the following topics will be on the exam:

  • Area 1: Obtain, Interpret, or Assess Data, Medical, or Patient Information (Approximately 18% of Test)

  • Area 2 Identify Drug Characteristics (Approximately 14% of Test)

  • Area 3: Develop or Manage Treatment Plans (Approximately 35% of Test)

  • Area 4: Perform Calculations (Approximately 14% of Test)

  • Area 5: Compound, Dispense, or Administer Drugs, or Manage Delivery Systems (Approximately 11% of Test)

  • Area 6: Develop or Manage Practice or Medication-Use Systems to Ensure Safety and Quality (Approximately 7% of Test)

How long is the NAPLEX?

In November 2016, the NAPLEX increased in length to accommodate more content covering the diversity of clinical cases and medication preparation strategies encountered in pharmacy practice. Therefore, the number of examination items increased from 185 to 225 and the test time increased from 4 hours and 15 minutes to 6 hours.

There are now 220 questions on the exam and a total test time of 6 hours. Of the 225 questions, 25 are pretest questions and will not count toward your final score.

What is the NAPLEX passing score?

The NAPLEX is reported as pass or fail. You are allowed 5 attempts to take the NAPLEX.

Tips and Advice for the NAPLEX:

The exams focus heavily on standards for safe pharmacotherapy, optimizing therapeutic outcomes, accurate methodology to dispense medications and apply information to promote optimal care.

Be prepared, the calculation questions are DIFFICULT. Feedback is that this is typically the hardest portion, even for those that have done well in the more mathematically heavy portions of Pharmacy School. The questions are tricky, and more in line with aptitude testing than with large amounts of information testing. Based on exit interviews, the calculations are ~33% of the exam.

Our NAPLEX question bank covers all of the question formats that you need to know, while covering the difficult calculation types you’ll see on the real exam. The content has been updated to reflect the Updated NABP NAPLEX Competency Statements.