10 Free 2025 Medical School Scholarships

top medical school scholarships 2023

Each year, thousands of new students enroll in medical schools to pursue their dreams of becoming a doctor. Unfortunately, medical school is expensive, and costs only increase each year. According to the Association of American Medical Colleges, the average cost of medical school including tuition, fees, and health insurance for first-year students attending in-state public schools in 2024-2025 was $41,869, a 27.9% increase from the cost in 2014-15 ($32,735). For in-state private schools, the average cost jumped from $52,228 in 2014-15 to $67,145 in 2024-2025, a 28% increase.   

Most students rely on loans to support their education. Taking out loans can be a hassle, and with high interest rates, can drive the overall cost of school to seemingly insurmountable levels.  

In addition to financial aid, students are also eligible for a range of medical school scholarships. Applying for scholarships can reduce the number of loans you may potentially have to take out, or in some cases pay off your college tuition entirely. We’ve gathered 10 free medical school scholarships medical students can apply for in 2025.    

1. BoardVitals Medical School Scholarship

Deadline: April 30, 2025  

Now in its 6th year, the BoardVitals Scholarship awards three lucky medical school students who have shown strong academic standing. One first-place winner will receive $2,000, one second-place winner will receive $1,000, and one third-place winner will receive $500. All prizes are awarded in the form of a VISA Prepaid Card.     

To apply, you must be a resident of the United States who is currently enrolled as a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th-year medical student in an accredited MD/DO school located in the United States OR who is currently participating in a medical residency program.  

Participants must apply online and submit a 1-2 minute video answering this year’s question:  

  • “The impending physician shortage presents a significant challenge to the medical community. In your opinion, what is the most impactful change that could be implemented in medical education to address the shortage? Discuss how your recommended change could enhance the education of future physicians and positively impact the shortage.”  

2. Tylenol Future Care Scholarship  

Deadline: TBA  

The Tylenol Future Care Scholarship an annual award given to students pursuing careers in healthcare. Each year, they offer ten $10,000 scholarships and twenty-five $5,000 awarded each year.    

As of today, (March 24,), details and rules for the Tylenol scholarship have not been announced for 2025. Check back on the Tylenol Future Care website for updates.  

3. White Coat Investor Scholarship    

The White Coat Investor Scholarship provides funding for medical students in order to “help those who wear the white coat a fair shake.” Every year, the scholarship gives out multiple awards, equivalent to 1% of the White Coat Investor’s total profit and additional contributions from corporate sponsors and readers. The total cash given out has increased every year, with more than $59,000 in prizes given in 2024.   

To apply, you must simply submit a document that details basic information such as your name and anticipated degree and date of graduation. In addition, you must submit an 800-1,200 word essay that can be about any topic that you would like to write about. Winners will be selected after a thorough judging process that consists of three rounds.   

This scholarship is open to full-time professional students who are in good academic standing. Eligible students must be studying:   

  • Medicine   
  • Osteopathy   
  • Podiatry   
  • Dentistry   
  • Law   
  • Pharmacy   
  • Optometry   
  • Physician Assistant    
  • Nurse Practitioner   
  • CRNA   
  • Veterinary Medicine   

Note: In certain cases, aspiring physical therapists and occupational therapists will also be considered.   

4. Physicians of Tomorrow Awards   

The Physicians of Tomorrow Awards are some of the more substantial scholarships medical students can earn to help support their education.  There are 10 different Physician of Tomorrow Awards available, each worth $10,000, available for students entering their final year of medical school. 12 categories are available.   

5. Herbert W. Nickens Medical Student Scholarship   

Deadline: April 4th, 2025 

Herbert W. Nickens Medical Student Scholarships offers five $5,000 scholarships to students entering their third year of medical school. To be considered, students must have shown “leadership in efforts to eliminate inequities in medical education and health care and have demonstrated leadership efforts in addressing educational, societal, and health care needs of racial and ethnic minorities in the United States”.    

Recipients are required to accept the award at Learn Serve Lead 2025: The AAMC Annual Meeting in San Antonio, Texas, with travel and registration costs covered by the AAMC.   

6. National Medical Fellowships’ Scholarships   

The National Medical Fellowships’ (NMF) scholarships and awards aim to provide financial support to underrepresented minority medical students including: African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, Native Americans, Asian-Americans (Vietnamese and Cambodian only), and Pacific Islanders. Scholarships range in value from $5,000 to $7,000 and are awarded quarterly.   

Each of the NMF awards has specific requirements, but there are commonalities amongst them all. Each award will be given out based on academic merit, demonstrated leadership ability, and a commitment to serving medically underserved communities.    

7. Scholarships360 “No Essay” Scholarship   

Deadline: June 30th, 2025 

Essay writing not your thing? The Scholarships360 “No Essay” Scholarship might be for you. This scholarship is open to all students, with no GPA requirement. Finalists will be required to complete an interview about how they are funding their education.  

8. Dr. Francis Anthony Beneventi Medical Scholarship  

The Daughters of the American Revolution is presenting several medical scholarships, including a $5,000 scholarship to a student either attending or planning to attend an approved, accredited medical school, college, or university. The applicant must have a minimum GPA of 3.25.  

The DAR also offers several nursing scholarships.  

9. Merit-Based School Scholarships   

In addition to essay-based contests, medical students can also be eligible for merit-based school scholarships. Many universities and colleges will offer merit-based scholarships to outstanding students. Merit-based scholarships often are awarded based on academic factors such as GPA and MCAT test scores.    

10. William G. Anderson, DO Scholarship  

The William G. Anderson, DO, Scholarship Fund was established in 1998 in recognition of the distinguished career of William G. Anderson, DO, and his life-long commitment to civil rights, his dogged pursuit of diversity, equity and inclusion, three decades-long dedication to the Osteopathic profession, and his generous philanthropic spirit.   

A limited number of scholarships in the amount of $10,000 will be awarded to Osteopathic medical students who exemplify the scholarship’s purpose. Prizes are awarded to minority students in good standing at a College/School of Osteopathic Medicine (COM/SOM) who will be an OMS-III or OMS-IV during the fall of 2025.  

These medical school scholarships are some of the best options for students looking to reduce the financial burden of their education. There are many other scholarships and awards available for students to apply to. Be sure to check out these options and other alternatives for paying for medical school to support your education. If you’re already well into your career and still tackling student debt, check out more tips to pay it down quickly. 

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