One crucial milestone in a psychiatric resident’s training is the Psychiatry Resident-In-Training Examination, commonly known as the PRITE. The PRITE covers a broad range of topics within the field of psychiatry. While the specific content may vary from year to year, here is a sampling of some of the areas you can expect to see on the exam.
What is the PRITE?
The PRITE is a standardized examination designed to assess the knowledge and proficiency of psychiatric residents. Administered annually, it covers a wide array of topics to ensure a well-rounded evaluation of a resident’s understanding of psychiatry. Let’s break down the latest PRITE blueprint:
A. Clinical Neurosciences (69 Items)
- Neurodevelopment
- Neuroanatomy
- Neurophysiology
- Genetics
B. Clinical Neurology (30 Items)
- Diagnostic procedures
- Neuroimaging
- Neurophysiological testing for neurological evaluation
- Diagnostic and clinical evaluation of neurologic disorders/syndromes
- Common neurological disorders/syndromes
- Comorbid psychiatric disorders
- Management and treatment of neurological disorders/syndromes
C. Clinical Psychiatry
Development and Maturation across the Lifespan (30 Items)
- Physical, Cognitive, Social, Sexual, and others
Behavioral and Social Sciences (15 Items)
- Psychology
- Behavioral/Cognitive psychology
- Neuropsychology/Learning theory
- Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic theory
- Social psychology/Sociology/Anthropology/Ethnology
- Other behavioral/social sciences
Epidemiology (9 Items)
- Core concepts and major research studies
- Prevention and risk factors
Diagnostic Procedures (15 Items)
- Interview
- Mental Status
- Diagnostic assessments and rating scales
- Psychological/Neuropsychological testing
- Laboratory testing/Monitoring
- Imaging
- Neurophysiological testing
Psychopathology and Associated Conditions Across the Lifespan (39 Items)
- Disorders
- High-Risk Behaviors
- Environmental Factores
Treatment across the Lifespan (45 Items)
- Patient Engagement
- Case Formulation/Differential Diagnosis/Treatment Planning
- Management of difficult patients and nonadherence to treatment
- Somatic Therapies
Consultation and Collaborative-Integrated Care (10 Items)
Issues in Practice (20 Items)
- Quality improvement/Patient safety/Risk management/Use of Technology
- Ethics/Professionalism
- Forensics/Legal issues
- History of psychiatry
Research and Scholarship Literacy (9 Items)
- Research design/Methods
- Accessing/Evaluating/Applying evidence to practice
- Statistics
Administration and Systems (9 Items)
Now that you know what you’ll see on test day, ensure you’re ready for the exam with the right preparation. The BoardVitals Psychiatry Question Bank contains more than 1,450 psychiatry questions, and follows the exam content outline for both the PRITE and the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN) Psychiatry Certification Exam. Sign up for a free trial today!