Try to Ace This OBGYN MOC Practice Quiz

Are you expecting your OBGYN MOC exam soon? Well, you better start refreshing your test-taking skills! The best way to get in the mindset is by taking practice questions that mimic what you’ll see on the exam. Start with these five.

How’d you do? Whether you aced it or fell flat, you’re on the right track for preparing. The OBGYN Recertification exam consists of two 50-multiple choice test sections over the course of 105 minutes.

TIP: To practice timing, try to only take one minute per question to get used to the right exam pacing.

Examinees will be required to select one option from each of the following Selections to be tested on.

Selective A

  1. Obstetrics, Gynecology and Office Practice & Women’s Health
  2. Obstetrics only
  3. Gynecology only
  4. Office Practice and Women’s Health only

Selective B

  1. Obstetrics, Gynecology and Office Practice & Women’s Health
  2. Obstetrics only
  3. Gynecology only
  4. Office Practice and Women’s Health only

The BoardVitals OBGYN MOC question bank follows the ABOG OBGYN MOC Exam Blueprint and features questions as follows:

Obstetrics, Gynecology and Office Practice & Women’s Health (Selective A1 and B1)

  • Obstetrics: 30%
  • Gynecology: 30%
  • Office Practice and Women’s Health: 30%

Obstetrics Only (Selective A2 and B2)

  • Preconception/Antenatal Care
  • Intrapartum Care
  • Postpartum Care
  • Miscellaneous (genetics, preconception, etc.)

Gynecology Only (Selective A3 and B3)

  • Diagnosis and Preoperative Evaluation
  • Surgical Decision Making
  • Surgical Technique
  • Postoperative Care and Complications
  • Miscellaneous (neoplasia, emergency care, etc.)Diagnosis

Office Practice and Women’s Health (Selective A4 and B4)

  • Age-appropriate Routine Care
  • Medical Problems
  • Gynecologic-specific Disorders
  • Office Procedures
  • Miscellaneous (psychological problems, domestic violence, etc.)

The question bank features more than 1,150 OBGYN MOC practice questions; each comes with a detailed rationale and explanation for a comprehensive understanding of the topic covered. Want more free practice? Check out our free trial.

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