Are you ready for the ABIM Infectious Disease Certification Exam? Test your knowledge with five highly rated Infectious Disease board review questions (which you’ll find in our Infectious Disease board review question bank) and see if you’re as prepared as you think you are. Good luck!
How’d you do? Whether you received a perfect score (share with friends), or you underperformed (your secret is safe), there’s always room for improvement. Unfortunately, we’re unable to completely numb the painful effects of studying, however, we do have the ability to ease it.
The Infectious Disease Certification Exam lasts for 10 hours and consists of up to 240 multiple-choice questions. According to the 2023 ABIM Infectious Disease Certification Exam Blueprint, the questions are broken down as follows:
- Bacterial Diseases 27%
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection 15%
- Antimicrobial Therapy 9%
- Viral Diseases 7%
- Travel and Tropical Medicine 5%
- Fungi 5%
- Immunocompromised Host (Non‐HIV Infection) 5%
- Vaccinations 4%
- Infection Prevention and Control 5%
- General Internal Medicine, Critical Care and Surgery 18%
We offer more than 700 Infectious Disease board review questions, all targeted to the ABIM Infectious Disease certification content outline. Each question is written and reviewed by top infectious disease doctors who’ve successfully completed the certification exams and is accompanied by detailed explanations and rationales to give you a complete understanding of the topic it covers.
We have complete faith that you’ll do well, so much so, we offer a 100% pass guarantee. In fact, aspiring and current physicians that use our platform have a 7% higher pass rate than the national average. But don’t take our word for it, peruse our testimonials to see how we’re faring among your peers.
Good luck on your exam next month, and if you’re in need of more questions, register for a free trial to our Infectious Disease question bank.
Access our Infectious Disease board review question bank today and save 10% when you use promo code QUIZ10 at checkout.