Beginning in April 2016, BoardVitals partnered with Vaccine Ambassadors to kick off our first philanthropic initiative: #GiveVax, to supply one vaccine for every new BoardVitals customer.
But here we are, two years later and celebrating our second #GiveVax Anniversary. Two years ago, BoardVitals launched it’s first philanthropic campaign (#GiveVax) and partnered with Vaccine Ambassadors to supply one vaccine with every new BoardVitals customer. Vaccine Ambassadors works in partnership with the Pan-American Health Organization, Regional Office of the World Health Organization of the Americas to provide vaccines to communities in need. Since launching this campaign, BoardVitals will have provided more than 25,000 routine vaccines to children residing in Haiti.

“BoardVitals and their #GiveVax campaign are positively affecting children in need with the gift of life-saving vaccines, today. There is a sense of urgency we all feel, when it comes to a child’s well-being. BoardVitals is moving the needle (pun intended) for this and future generations through their generosity,” Eric Montross, co-Founder and Board Chair of Vaccine Ambassadors, said.

“I think one of the most admirable things about BoardVitals, is their initiation of the #GiveVax campaign. Every company makes decisions on what they choose to invest in. For many, that investment may not go beyond their own walls. BoardVitals made a choice to invest in the future of others, and as a result of the #GiveVax initiative, thousands of children will now be protected by life-saving vaccines. As a parent myself, I know that there is no greater gift than a healthy child. The fact that they have shared their success so generously, really does speak volumes about their values and their place in the world,” Jackie Kauffman, Vaccine Ambassadors Co-Founder & Executive Director, said.
For the founders of BoardVitals, providing vaccines is a no-brainer – the benefits are numerous.

“Our partnership with Vaccine Ambassadors is natural for BoardVitals. My time spent volunteering in Africa and Central America has made me understand how vital vaccines are and what a difference they make. I’m excited to see this partnership continue to flourish — so proud that we’ve been going strong for a year,” Andrea Paul, MD, BoardVitals Chief Medical Officer, said.

“I’m proud that BoardVitals is able to continue this partnership. It feels good to work so closely with a company whose goal aligns with something I feel so strongly about. Vaccines are worth every penny and it remains a worthwhile investment for BoardVitals,” Daniel Lambert, BoardVitals CEO.
According to Vaccine Ambassadors, 1.5 million children under the age of five die from a vaccine preventable disease each year. With access to vaccines that can prevent these diseases, we can work together to improve that number and save countless lives.
BoardVitals intends on continuing this partnership this year to provide more vaccines to those communities in need.
Pride for giving back spans beyond the BoardVitals’ founders. The team is encouraged by the commitment BoardVitals has made to a worthy cause.

“I feel lucky to work for a company that is prioritizing philanthropy. The #GiveVax campaign is a great way to help stop vaccine-preventable diseases from taking innocent lives,” Ben Stueben, MD, Medical Director said.

“Vaccines play an important role in preventive care and public health, but not everyone has access to these services. I love that as a company we’re committed to doing something that benefits so many people and communities and that the doctors and nurses that use BoardVitals get to share in that commitment,” Trevor Leb, Chief Marketing Officer, said.

“Even though I personally hate needles, I see the value in getting vaccinated. I feel lucky to have easy access to the vaccines I need. I love working for a company that sees giving back as an important component,” Jin Lee, Lead Product Designer, said.

“As a newer member of the BoardVitals team, the #GiveVax campaign definitely appeals to me as a way to give back while supporting BoardVitals’s mission of improving healthcare education. #GiveVax allows us to spread awareness of disease prevention and take steps to contribute to a better world. I’m happy to be part of a company that values social responsibility,” Tina Zhuo, QA and Data Analyst, said.

“I have been fortunate enough to have access to lifesaving vaccines and I believe everyone should have access to them too. There should be no reason anyone contracts vaccine-preventable diseases anymore. I’m proud to work for a company that is generous enough to #GiveVax to those who need it most,” Kelly Chan, Digital Marketing Specialist, said.

“With so much aid needed around the world, I’m proud to have joined an organization that passionately supports the #GiveVax program in addressing the need for preventative care. I strongly believe that social responsibility is important for all organizations. I’m humbled that our company is able to help individuals who are in less fortunate circumstances and advocate for vaccinations,” Nimit Roongta, Digital Marketing Manager, said.

“It feels great to work for a company that prioritizes giving back. I love reporting to my team on how many vaccines we’ve contributed to communities in need – it always feels like a group accomplishment,” Caroline Kretsch, Content Marketing Manager, said.
As of February 2025, BoardVitals has concluded its GiveVax initiative and is no longer offering this program.