Preparing for your Radiology MOC Exam can be grueling and stressful. Don’t let it get you down. Start by reviewing these FAQs so you know exactly what you’re in for. Feel free to comment below with any topic you think we’ve missed!
1. How much does the exam cost?
ANSWER: The current annual MOC fee is $340.
2. What is the exam format?
ANSWER: The exam consists of four modules, each with approximately 60 multiple choice questions.
3. What does the exam cover?
ANSWER: Each candidate will be tested on non-interpretive skills, which may include patient safety, contrast reactions, radiation safety and statistics, as well as clinical skills. Clinical content areas are determined by each diplomate’s self-selected practice profile. These content areas may cover the following topics:
- Breast
- Cardiac
- Gastrointestinal
- General Radiology
- Genitourinary
- Musculoskeletal
- Neuroradiology
- Nuclear
- Pediatric
- Thoracic
- Ultrasound
- Vascular/Interventional
7. When will I get my results?
ANSWER: Exam results will be posted through the online portal approximately three weeks after your exam date.
8. How should I prepare for the exam?
ANSWER: The American Board of Radiology offers study guides for each of the clinical content areas on its website. You may also wish to work on practice questions found online or participate in an exam preparation course. In terms of books, the top-rated Radiology Review Manual or McGraw Hill’s Specialty Board Review were good and up to date textbooks in my personal preparation.
Radiology MOC question banks are likely the best way to prepare for the exam. BoardVitals will prepare you for both the electronic format of the exam, as well as the appropriate difficulty level of the questions.