NEW BoardVitals Question Bank Enhancements

At BoardVitals, we take pride in our product and strive to continue to improve it. We’re excited to bring new features to our users to give them more control in creating practice quizzes and evaluating progress in their learning.

Question Difficulty Level

We’ve developed an algorithm to give each question a difficulty level (Easy, Moderate, and Hard). This algorithm calculates the number of correct responses out of all responses for a particular question from Test Mode (Timed) exams (which you’ll learn about below!). Once we have enough responses, the algorithm assigns a difficulty level.

When creating an exam, you’ll now be able to filter questions by one or a combination of difficulty levels!

Customize Your Exam Name

Being able to customize your exam name makes it easier for you to locate in progress and completed exams, based on your personal nomenclature. If you choose not to name your exam, the exam name will default to the question bank name, followed by the date (EX: Psychiatry Exam February 12, 2019).

Exam Modes Name Update

We’ve updated the names of the types of exam modes we offer to be more clear about what the mode means.

Test Mode (Timed)

What used to be called “timed mode” is now “Test Mode (Timed)”. Answers and explanations are revealed after the exam is completed and submitted. Users are now able to choose the total time they have to complete their exam or how many seconds per question they have to answer each question in order to simulate actual exam conditions. This will help users keep track of how well they are doing on pacing or time management so they can get a better idea of whether or not they can complete the actual exam within the allotted amount of time.

Study Review Mode

What was once called “review mode” will now be called “Study Review Mode”.  Answers and explanations can be seen as you work through the exam.


CAT Exam for NCLEX®

We’ve added a new data point, available once you finish a CAT Exam. You will now be able to see what difficulty level you achieved (Easy, Moderate, or Hard) based on the average difficulty level of the questions you answered on the exam. Along with this, we’ve also added a percentile rank. This tells you how you performed among test takers who landed in the same difficulty level as you.

Example: 78th Percentile of Moderate Difficulty

We’ve added this data point to give you a better sense of how you’re ranking. Because computer adaptive tests adjust to the ability of the test taker, a user who answered mostly easy questions, and a user who answered mostly difficult questions could receive a similar score. With the difficulty level and percentile rank, you now have a more meaningful indication of your readiness and how you rank among others also studying for the NCLEX®.

If you ever have questions or comments about our features, we want to hear about it! Feel free to comment on this blog or contact us at: or 877-221-1529.

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