BoardVitals Featured On TechCrunch Radio

This month, CEO Daniel Lambert had the opportunity to chat with John Biggs and Anthony Ha on TechCrunch Radio during their weekly “Startup-up Pitch-Off”. During the pitch-off startups go head to head to see who is poised for success and who might flounder.

TechCrunch BoardVitals

We were thrilled to be featured and loved chatting with start-up veterans, John and Anthony.

Here is a quick look at the interview featuring Daniel.

“In medical education, half of everything a doctor or nurse learns will be out of date in about 20 years. And this is because new medical discoveries are coming out every day. And BoardVitals is a repository for all that new knowledge. We offer question banks for over 35 different medical specialties, anything from psychiatry to pediatrics.

And here’s how it works. One, a physician or a nurse tries to answer questions in their spare time. Second, as they go through the content, they go through that content up and down, meaning that the very best medical knowledge or content goes to the top. And then lastly, we use machine learning to suggest the next best question for the doctors.
What’s really unique about the business is that we continue to use that content from publishers, universities, research institutions and top doctors. With those sources in the feedback loop, we’re several years ahead of any other training source. Today, we’ve trained over 30,000 doctors, we’re used by 200 institutions”

To listen to the interview in full, click the link below. Thank you for featuring BoardVitals, John and Anthony!

The writing staff at BoardVitals is passionate about medicine, healthcare, and education. We’ve trained over 1.5 million physicians and work with more than 300 top teaching institutions. Learn more about our board review and continuing education products at

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