FAQs about the ABU Urology Board Exam

Every July, thousands of Urologists put their knowledge to the test while taking the American Board of Urology’s Certifying Exam. While the exam requires hours of studying, if you walk in the door prepared, you’ll have no trouble passing and obtaining your board certification.

What should you know before test day rolls around? We’ve compiled the most frequently asked questions and answers about the ABU Urology Board Exam.

When Is the Urology Board Exam?

The ABU Urology Qualifying Exam (Part 1) will be administered on July 13 and July 14, 2023.

Who Can Take The Exam?

The Urology exam is offered to residents who have met the board’s pre-urology training requirements and have completed a minimum of six months of chief residency in an approved US or Canadian based program by June 30 of the exam year.

What Is The Exam Structure?

The Qualifying (Part 1) Examination is a computer-based examination that take place in Pearson VEU testing centers found all around the United States. The exam consists of 300 multiple choice questions, 200 of which will count towards your final score.

What is Covered on the Urology Board Exam?

The Urology board exam covers the following topics:

  • Core Urologic Knowledge: 20%
  • Basic Science- Must have a Clinical Correlation: 5%
  • Upper and Lower Tract Urinary Obstruction: 10%
  • Urolithiasis: 10%+ Core
  • Oncology: 25%+ Core
  • Andrology: Impotence and Infertility: 8%
  • Female Pelvic Medicine Includes Management of Neurogenic Bladder: 12%
  • Pediatric Urology: 10%

What is the Pass Rate?

According to the ABU, on average, 90% of first-time examinees pass the examination.

How Many Questions are There?

The Urology Board Exam will consist of 300 multiple-choice questions. Two hundred of these questions are previously tested in past exams with one hundred new questions that are being tested for 2016 and will not count towards the final exam grade.

What is the Best Way to Study?

From test books to flash cards, there are many way practitioners choose to study for the exam. A favorable way to study is through taking sample Urology exam questions. Practice questions allow you to figure out your trouble areas before test day.

Who Writes the Exam?

AUB question writers are all top-tier Urologists and the committee consists of twenty physicians who develops the exam. Here’s a look at how the committee is broken up:

Task Force A

Physiology, immunology, molecular biology, hypertension, transplantation,  sexual dysfunction, voiding dysfunction

Task Force B

Infections, inflammatory diseases, endocrinopathy, calculus disease, trauma, obstructive uropathy, fertility

Task Force C

Neoplasms, urinary diversion, fistulae

Task Force D

Pediatric urology, anatomy, fluid and electrolyte disorders

Are you ready for test day? Study with more than 700 Urology exam questions with the BoardVitals Urology Question Bank. Each question includes complete explanations for correct and incorrect answers, and all questions are formatted to the exam content outline for the American Board of Urology (ABU) Qualifying (Part 1) Exam. Sign up for a free trial today!

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