What Are Your 2017 New Year’s Resolutions?

As 2016 comes to a close, and we embark on 2017, everyone starts thinking about their 2017 resolutions. What are some things you’re planning to focus on? We interviewed a few medical and healthcare professionals to hear what they’re planning both personally and professionally to focus on in 2017. Maybe it will inspire you to write your own. Comment below with what you want to achieve this year!


Happy New Year!

Dr. Amy Baxter, 2017 Resolutions

Pediatric emergency physician Amy Baxter is working to eliminate unnecessary pain.  After Yale undergrad and Emory Med, she practiced for 20 years while developing Buzzy®, a device that acts as a pain blocker, and VibraCool™ Massaging ice therapy.  She has been the full-time CEO of MMJ Labs since March 2016.



James Hanna, DPM, NYSPMA spokesperson.


Nick Angelis, CRNA, MSN 2017 Resolutions

Nick Angelis, CRNA, MSN wrote How to Succeed in Anesthesia School (And RN, PA, or Med School) in 2012.


chris delgado, rn 2017 Resolutions

Christopher Delgado, RN BSN OCN


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